Porgy fishing
Porgy (scup) can be found in the waters around Falmouth and the South side of Cape Cod including Buzzards Bay, Vineyard Sound and Nantucket Sound These feisty little gamesters grow to large sizes in the abundantly rich waters surrounding Cape Cod. Porgy known to local Captains as “Titans of the Deep,” scup put up quite a fight on light tackle and their sweet succulent meat are revered by angler’s. Fisherman from as far away as New York and New Jersey will travel to Cape Cod in search of these tasty gamefish. Porgy can be found from late May through September in these waters. Regulations and open seasons vary from year to year so it’s recommended to call ahead to book these trips. Read more about the porgy at GoFISHn.
Hairball Charters adheres to the Massachusetts recreational fishing limits on scup: 10.5″ minimum size, 10 fish limit.
Call 617-755-1847 to book your Cape Cod fishing charter today.