Fluke Fishing

A nice fluke caught on Hairball Charters
Fluke, also known as summer flounder, are a bottom dwelling predator that typically ambush prey that swims nearby. On occasion, fluke will even chase a bait or a swimming plug to the suface. Fluke migrate up and down the eastern seacoast according to the seasons. The shallow sandy bottom of Vineyard Sound and Cape Cod’s surrounding waters make an excellent habitat for this popular species. Read more about the fluke at GoFISHn.
Drifting a strip bait of squid, fluke belly, or mummy chubs is the most common approach to catching fluke off of Cape Cod. Occassionally, enormous “doormat” fluke are reeled up when we are jigging for striped bass with wire line. These doormats can be over ten pounds. Read more about techniques for catching fluke at GoFISHn.
Hairball Charters adheres to the Massachusetts recreational fishing limits on fluke: 17.5″ minimum length, possession limit of 5 per person.
On the Table
Fluke are a light, flakey white meat fish that is sold as “Summer Flounder” in restaurants. It is such a high quality meat that it is also sold in sushi restaurants.
Call 617-755-1847 to book your Cape Cod fishing charter today.